The Cost-Benefits of Applying Biosolid Compost for Vegetable Fruit and Maize/Sweetcorn Production Systems in New Zealand

E Cameron, N How, S Saggar, & C Ross

Landcare Research Science Series No. 27

While the costs-benefits of applying fertilizers and weed, pest and disease management for horticultural systems are well known and understood by producers. Information on the costs and benefits under New Zealand conditions of soil conditioning through applying composts are not, however, readily available. There are plentiful data on the biophysical benefits (improvements to soil structure, water holding capacity, nutrient supply, earthworm populations, etc.) of applying composts in horticulture but data have not been compiled on the financial benefits.

Through Living Earth Limited, the Ministry for the Environment commissioned Landcare Research and Massey University to review the international literature, interview key compost users in the horticultural community, assemble the information on benefits of composts and calculate gross margins (total revenue less total costs) using New Zealand data.


Product information

Author: E Cameron, N How, S Saggar, & C Ross
ISBN: 978-0-47-809364-3
Publisher: Manaaki Whenua Press
Publication date: 2004
Pages: 31
Format: Spiralbound