Fauna of New Zealand Number 58 Alysiinae (Insecta : Hymenoptera : Braconidae)

Jocelyn Berry

Alysiines are small braconid wasps that occur throughout the world. The subfamily is quite distinctive, and can be recognised by their large, outwardly-directed and non-over-lapping mandibles, which they use to escape from the puparium (cocoon) of their host.

All alysiines are endoparasitoids (internal parasitoids) of flies. The adult female lays her eggs into the egg or larva of the host fly, and her progeny emerge from the host puparium. Alysiines can play an important role in the regulation of pest insects, and one species has been deliberately introduced for the biological control of blowflies.

Twenty-one species of alysiines are recorded. Of these, 13 are new species and four are described species from other countries that have not previously been recorded from New Zealand. About three-quarters of the species are endemic, that is, known from nowhere else in the world.

Eacb species treatment includes a full synonymy or reference to a full synonymy, a regional bibliography, a diagnosis, list of material examined, collection localities, list of known hosts and bionomics. Appendices include host-parasitoid and parasitoid-host lists for New Zealand records, maps of collection localities, and details of all non-type material examined in this study.

Contributor Jocelyn Berry was born in India. She completed a PhD in Systematic Entomology at Australian National University, Canberra, and has worked for Lincoln University, Entomology Division of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, and until 2007 as a scientist with Landcare Research specialising in Hymenoptera. Jo has a special interest in biological control and was responsible for the Hymenoptera section of the New Zealand Arthropod Collection. She is now employed by Biosecurity New Zealand as Senior Advisor in the Plant Risk Analysis team.


Product information

Author: Jocelyn Berry
ISBN: 978-0-47-809390-2
Publisher: Manaaki Whenua Press
Publication date: 2007
Pages: 95
Format: Paperback