The Brushtail Possum: Biology, Impact and Management of an Introduced Marsupial

Edited by T L Montague

The brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula is arguably the most intensively studied wild animal in New Zealand today. After many years of research, the latest information on possums is now available in a uniquely comprehensive, fully indexed volume. The Brushtail Possum - biology, impact and management of an introduced marsupial is a valuable resource that draws together accumulated knowledge on an introduced species which once promised New Zealand a fur trade, but now costs a fortune to manage.

Brushtail possums were introduced from Australia in the 1850s to establish an animal fur industry, and now number an estimated 60 - 70 million in New Zealand. The damage they cause is both environmental and financial: they prey on eggs and chicks of native birds and on native insects, damage native forests and spread bovine Tb, posing an immense threat to dairy and beef industries.

The 41 authors of The Brushtail Possum provide an expert overview, in the form of 25 stand-alone chapters, of past and present possum research. They identify crucial areas where further research is needed and the future options for managing brushtail possums in New Zealand. The difficulties and complexities of managing this invasive species are enormous, but this book represents a significant step.

The information within this book will be useful to anyone interested in brushtail possums, from those directly involved in managing the species such as pest management agencies, land managers, farmers, regional and municipal councils, DOC and MAF, to those with an academic or general interest in wildlife. Published with the support of the Department of Conservation (DOC).


Product information

Author: Edited by T L Montague
ISBN: 978-0-47-809336-0
Publisher: Manaaki Whenua Press
Publication date: 2000
Pages: 292
Format: Hardback