New Zealand Butterflies poster

B Hargreaves & G W Gibbs

Colour illustrated poster of common butterflies found in New Zealand, designed so that it can be folded into a handy, portable identification chart.

All butterflies are represented life-size, and scientific name, a  brief description, and information about the foodplants of larva are given. Most species, except for the rare visitors, are also accompanied by a distribution map.

Artwork is by Brian Hargreaves, and text by George Gibbs. Scientific names are used according to Fauna of New Zealand 14 Lepidoptera pp 135 -139, by JS Dugdale.


Product information

Author: B Hargreaves & G W Gibbs
ISBN: 978-0-95-976631-8
Publisher: Entomological Society of New Zealand
Publication date: 1989
Format: Unlaminated